Tyson Bulmer

Software Developer and Researcher

Tyson Bulmer helps run the show at the SEGAL Group. He loves to code, is addicted to hackathons, and has built many games and web applications. He lives by a personal moto...

"Make it happen"

Building Machine Learning Applications

I’ve been focused on learning about and applying machine learning for the past year and aim to find a position at a company where I can put these skills to use. I’ve applied it in my research work with the SEGAL group, and even worked on a contract for implementing a prototype model. I'm currently running a machine learning group at my university where we cover weekly topics, checkout our ongoing GitHub Repo.


Escape Dimension


Global AI Hackathon



Do you want to see more?

I've worked with some amazing companies

Most recently I've been doing research with the SEGAL Group at the University of Victoria. Before that, I worked as a Software Developer at Copperleaf Technologies. My first internship was at ACD Systems where I worked as a Web Developer. Know a great company where I'd be a good fit? Let me know, I am always seeking new opportunites!

B.Sc Computer Science | University of Victoria

Specialization: Software Engineering and Co-op
Minor: Business

  • NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award (USRA) | 2017
  • University of Victoria President's Scholarship | 2015 & 2016
  • Ian & Sheila Barrodale Award in Computer Science & Mathematics | 2015
  • Customer Support Ticket Escalation Prediction Using Feature Engineering, Springer Nature Requirements Engineering (Journal) | 2018
  • Predicting Developers’ IDE Commands with Machine Learning, MSR (Paper) (Presentation) | 2018
  • Sentimental ECrits: Modelling Customer Emotions to Predict Critical Situations, IBM CASCON (Poster) | 2018